Smith Piano Studio
Kristin Smith
27572 Caraway Lane
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Smith Piano Studio Policy
Tuition: Tuition is $80 per month for 30 minute lessons, $120 per month for 45 minute lessons, or $160 per month for hour lessons, due at the first lesson of the month (tuition remains the same every month). Every sibling thereafter receives a $5 month discount. Please be prompt - I hate to have to ask for your check. I prefer automatic electronic checks in the mail, but cash or handwritten check is fine as well. Make checks out to Kristin Smith.
Lending library fee: In order to keep costs low for my students and the selection of music high, I am constantly building my music lending library, The annual lending library fee is $36 per family (due the first lesson of January, or at a prorated rate the first lesson ever for new students). If you choose, you may pay this fee monthly by attaching $3 to your tuition payment.
Books: Occasionally I can pick up method books from the music store for a student, but the student (or parent) is primarily responsible for purchasing music books. Many students order online and have the books shipped right to them - others pick the music up from local music stores.
There will also be times when it will be appropriate (but optional) for a parent to purchase sheet music or books (not method books or lending library music) for the student to keep forever. I will make suggestions throughout the year, but the final decision is up to the parent.
Holidays: Lesson rates are based on four-week months for twelve months. (12X4=48). Since there are 52 weeks in a year, I will have four holiday weeks in the year in which I will not teach. Vacation weeks will be scheduled in advance. The payment for each month will remain the same.
Missed Lessons/Makeups: Missed lessons are not the responsibility of the teacher. Many institutions that provide lessons don’t allow any make-ups (like karate, dance, etc.) However, I will allow make-up lessons, if requested. I will only allow a makeup if a parent/student gives me at least a 24 hour notice, whether by phone or email, except in the case of sickness. There are no makeups for missed makeup lessons. Refunds are not given under any arrangements.
I, ________________________________agree to the above policies and am willing to abide by them for the duration of my lessons with Smith Piano Studio.
I, ________________________________agree to the above policies and am willing to abide by them for the duration of my lessons with Smith Piano Studio.
Signature of responsible party